To make your policy payments or to add credit with pay-as-you-go cover, you’ll need to make sure your card details are up to date. Here's how to do it!
Customers with the Zego Sense app
To change your payment card details, you‘ll need to login from the Zego website. Just follow these simple steps:
Log in to your account online.
Once you’ve logged in, click ‘Your details’ (next to ‘Your policies’)
Scroll down and tap ‘>’ next to ‘Manage cards’.
Click the ‘+’ symbol next to ‘Add a card’
Add your long card number, expiry date and CVC number, and click ‘Submit’
The new card will be listed under the cards on your account.
The new card will automatically be made your default payment card, so any further payments will be taken from this card.
Customers with the Zego Delivery app
First make sure you have the latest version of the Zego Delivery app installed onto your phone. Then follow these simple steps:
Open the Zego Delivery app.
Tap ‘Payments’ at the bottom of the screen.
Select ‘Your Cards’.
Add the details of the new card you'd like to add.
Once you've added your long card number, expiry date and CVC number, tap 'Add card'.
The new card will be listed under the cards on your account.
The new card will automatically be made your default payment card, so any further payments will be taken from this card.
How do I switch between saved payment cards?
If you want to change your default payment card to another saved card, you should follow the steps above to navigate to your saved cards. Then following these steps:
Tap the '···' on the right-hand side of the card you want to change to your default payment card.
Select ‘Make default’ from the pop-up.