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Business Van Insurance Policy Booklet

V7 012025

Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Zego

Zego is a new generation Insurtech, empowering businesses and individuals with insurance that is more suitable for the 21st century. Zego provides innovative insurance solutions, designed to protect you whilst driving your bike.

Just so you know (and for reassurance), Zego is actually a trading name of Extracover Limited, registered in England & Wales under company number 10128841, and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No: 757871).

Zego will be your day to day contact for this policy, and are responsible for:

  • setting up your policy

  • issuing your policy documents

  • responding to any changes you want to make or any queries you have

  • updating details of your bike onto the Motor Insurance Database;

  • collecting your premium; and

  • helping you make a claim; and

  • responding to any complaints you have

to name a few things.

Get in touch

If you ever need a bit more help, 
you can always get in touch using 
the details below.

Customer Service;

If you need to make a change or have any queries about your policy
Email; [email protected]
Phone; 0203 053 9815
Address: 7th Floor, Exchange House, 12 Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2EG

New Claims;

Email; [email protected]
Phone; 020 3885 0622

Existing Claims;

Phone; 020 3885 0622
Email; [email protected], using your claim reference number in the subject line.


The authorised insurers for this insurance are Extracover Insurance Company Limited and Wakam UK Limited. They agreed to cover an agreed share of any losses and/or costs should a claim arise. The insurers’ obligations under this policy are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their agreed share. No individual insurer is liable for any amount beyond their agreed share of any losses and/or costs or responsible for any other insurer who for any reason does not meet all or part of their obligations, but collectively your insurance cover will amount to 100%. 

Extracover Insurance Company Limited, authorised by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, Company Number 118662. Extracover Insurance Company Limited Madison Building, Midtown, Queensway, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA.

Wakam UK Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 14778827, having its registered office at 18th & 19th Floors 100 Bishopsgate, London, United Kingdom, EC2N 4AG. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under Firm Reference Number 995565

Introduction to your insurance

We want to be there for you when you need us, so it’s really important that you take the time to read this policy booklet in full. It sets out what you need to do (or not do) and to be aware of, so that this policy will respond when you need it most.

After taking out this policy alongside this policy booklet, you will have also received the following documents:

  • a policy schedule which will include any endorsements;

  • a certificate of motor insurance; and

  • an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The IPID does not form part of your policy but is useful to read for a summary of the main covers and exclusions.

You can read a bit more about what these documents are and what they do under the ‘What words mean’ section below, but the really important bit is that this policy is made up of your policy booklet, policy schedule, and your certificate of motor insurance. You should read each one carefully, and if there is anything that you don’t understand, then please tell us straight away.


Please also keep in mind that this policy is based on the information that you gave to us and Zego when you were buying the insurance. If anything has changed since that time, or if you are aware of anything else significant which you think may impact upon the insurance cover provided, then you must tell us or Zego straight away, because if you don’t, it may mean that the policy won’t pay out.

Any changes to your policy may result in a change in your premium and may be subject to an administration fee. Administration fees are paid to Zego for the cost of arranging and handling your policy. Details of fees and charges can be found here - as shown in Zego’s Terms of Business. Any fees charged for your policy are non-refundable.


This product meets the demands and needs of those who wish to ensure cover whilst using their van either for personal use only, or for business and personal use as selected and described on the certificate of motor insurance.

Hard copy documents are available at no additional cost.

What words mean

Throughout this policy you’ll see a lot of words and phrases in bold that have a particular meaning. If you’d like to know what that is, then this is the place to find out.

  • accessories/accessory: Additional or supplementary spares and part(s) 
specially designed to be fitted to your vehicle
including electric cables and wall boxes.

  • accident: An event involving your vehicle that results in damage to property or injury to another person.

  • approved repairer: A repairer approved by us and authorised to repair 
your vehicle following a claim under Sections 2 or 3 of the policy.

  • audio, communication and navigation, and telematics equipment: Your vehicle’s original manufacturer permanently 
fitted audio and visual equipment and components (excluding mobile telephones, cassettes, tapes, discs, iPod/MP3 players, iPad/tablets), plus any telematics hardware fitted within your vehicle.

  • certificate of motor insurance: Legal evidence of your insurance. It shows the 
vehicles we insure, who may drive them, and what 
they may be used for.

  • commercial use: The use of your vehicle for purposes relating to your trade, business, craft or profession. This does not include commuting between your residence and place of work.

  • endorsement: Any extra or alternative wording that changes 
the terms of your policy (which we’ll always tell 
you about). Any endorsements which may apply 
will be shown in your policy schedule.

  • excess: The amount that you will have to pay towards any 
claim, and as confirmed in your policy schedule 
for each item of cover.

  • fire: Means fire, self-ignition, lightning and explosion.

  • glass: The windscreen or windows of your vehicle, but 
excluding panoramic windows, folding windscreens, glass roofs, or lights/reflectors.

  • hazardous goods: Any goods which are defined within the 
International Carriage of Dangerous goods by 
Road (ADR) agreement.

  • hazardous location: Power stations, nuclear installations or establishments, refineries, bulk storage or production premises in the oil, gas or chemical industries, bulk storage or production premises in the explosive, ammunition or pyrotechnic industries, Ministry of Defence premises and military bases, rail trackside or airport – other than in any area the public are allowed access

  • hire and reward: Using your vehicle in order to legally carry people and goods in return for payment.

  • market value: The cost of replacing a vehicle with one of the same make and model, taking into account its age, mileage and condition at the time of loss or damage.

  • named driver: A driver you have permitted to drive your vehicle as noted on the policy schedule and the certificate of motor insurance.

  • non-compliant: If Zego’s Sense app is required you will be non compliant if:

    • you do not have the Zego Sense app installed on your phone;

    • you are not signed into the app;

    • you have not granted all motion, location and background permissions required to enable the app to operate and collect data in the background; and/or

    • Zego is not receiving daily trip or diagnostic data from you

  • period of insurance: The period of time covered by this policy, as shown in the policy schedule.

  • permanent partial disablement: An injury which has a significant impact upon, but does not prevent you entirely, from carrying out any business or occupation and which is likely to last continuously for one year, and at the end of which period is without prospect of improvement.

  • permanent total disablement: An injury which entirely prevents you from carrying out any business or occupation and which will last continuously for one year, and at the end of which period is without prospect of improvement.

  • policy: This policy booklet, the policy schedule, the certificate of motor insurance, and any endorsements.

  • policy booklet: This document sets out in detail the terms, conditions, and limitations of your cover.

  • policy schedule: The document provided to you when you take out 
the insurance with us, and explains the cover, excess and endorsements which apply to your policy, the vehicles we are insuring, how much the premium is 
that you need to pay, and the period of insurance.

  • Road Traffic Act: The Acts, laws and regulations that cover driving or using cars in the territories.

  • social, domestic and pleasure: Using your vehicle for private leisure purposes.

  • territories: The United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

  • theft: Theft, attempted theft, or taking your vehicle without consent from you or any driver covered by this policy.

  • vehicle: The motor vehicle that is detailed on your certificate 
of motor insurance.

  • we/our/us: Extracover Insurance Company Limited and Wakam UK Limited

  • you/your/yourself: The named policyholder(s) as shown on the policy schedule and the certificate of motor insurance.

  • Zego: Zego sets up and maintains the policy, issuing all 
your policy documentation.

Your cover

So, this is how it works. You’ve agreed to pay the premium for the policy, and in exchange we will 
provide you with the cover set out below and within 
the policy schedule.

There are certain terms, conditions, and exclusions 
that you need to be aware of that are relevant to the cover provided, and these are also set out below and elsewhere in the policy.

The policy schedule and certificate(s) of motor insurance confirm the particular use of your vehicle 
for which you and any named driver are covered 
under this policy.

All cover is provided in accordance with all the other terms, conditions, and limitations noted within the policy.

The sections of the policy that apply to you are confirmed in the policy schedule.

1. Liability to other people (third parties)

What is covered

We will cover you or any named driver for any damages that you or a named driver are legally liable to pay for:

  • another person's death or injury

  • damage to another person's property

as a result of an accident using your vehicle, or other vehicles your certificate shows you can drive, within the territories, up to the sums insured shown in the policy schedule.

This includes accidents caused by any electric charging cables when attached to your vehicle providing you have taken due care to avoid such an accident.

Emergency treatment

We will reimburse you, or any named driver, for 
payments made under the Road Traffic Act for emergency medical treatment.

Legal fees for criminal defence

If there is an accident covered by this policy, and as 
long as you follow the terms set out under ‘What to do 
if there’s a claim’, then we have the option (entirely at 
our sole discretion) to pay reasonable legal costs and/or expenses to defend or represent anyone insured by
this policy:

  • at a coroner’s inquest or fatal accident enquiry; and/or

  • in criminal proceedings arising out of the accident.

We must agree to all such legal costs and/or expenses beforehand. If we agree to pay such legal costs and/or expenses, then we will tell you at that time how much assistance we will give you.

What is not covered under Section 1

We will not cover any claims:

  • for loss or damage to the vehicle;

  • for loss or damage to property which belongs to, 
or is in the care, custody or control of anyone 
insured under this policy;

  • for any fines and penalties (whether civil or criminal);

  • for costs or expenses of defending criminal proceedings where the driver was either:

    • under the influence of drink or drugs at the time 
of the accident; or

    • charged with leaving the scene of the accident.

  • for death of or injury to anyone while they’re working with, or for, the driver of the vehicle except as required 
by the Road Traffic Act;

  • where the liability relates to the capture of images 
of any persons by any camera that the vehicle is equipped with;

  • for liability for damage to buildings and contents resulting from a malfunction of the charging box or charging cable.

It is important that you read this alongside the General exclusions section in full to understand what is, and what is not covered.

EU minimum insurance requirements

This policy provides the minimum insurance needed by law to use your vehicle in the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Monaco), Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy (including San Marino and the Vatican City), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland (including Liechtenstein).

2. Fire and theft

This section only applies if the policy schedule confirms that you have purchased this cover.

What is covered

This section covers loss or damage resulting from 
fire or theft that happened in the territories during 
the period of insurance to:

  • your vehicle;

  • any accessories; and

  • audio, communication, navigation, and telematics equipment

What we will do

We will:

  • Pay for your vehicle to be repaired by an 
approved repairer; or

  • Replace your vehicle; or

  • Pay you the market value of your vehicle, if it 
is too expensive to repair, or if your vehicle is stolen and not recovered.

The most we will pay is the market value of your 
vehicle at the time of the loss.

It is important that you read this alongside the General exclusions section in full to understand what is, and what is not covered.

3. Damage to your vehicle

This section only applies if the policy schedule confirms that you have purchased this cover.

What is covered

This section covers loss or damage to:

  • your vehicle;

  • any accessories;

  • the glass; and

  • audio, communication, navigation, and telematics equipment

resulting from any accident that happens in the territories during the period of insurance.

What we will do

We will:

  • Pay for your vehicle to be repaired by an approved repairer; or

  • Replace your vehicle; or

  • Pay you the market value of your vehicle, if it is too expensive to repair, or your vehicle is stolen and not recovered.

The most we will pay you is the market value of your vehicle at the time of the loss

If your vehicle is not safe to drive as a direct result of damage covered by this Section, we will pay:

  • the reasonable cost of transporting your vehicle 
to the nearest approved repairer;

  • the reasonable cost of delivery of your vehicle, following repair, to your address as shown in the policy schedule; and

  • the cost of the storage of your vehicle incurred 
with our written consent and at premises of
our choosing.

If your vehicle has advertising or signwriting on the bodywork, we will pay for the repair or replacement
up to a limit of £200.

Conditions specific to Sections 2 and 3

  • You must pay your excess, as shown in the policy schedule.

  • We may repair your vehicle using parts that have not been supplied by the original manufacturer. They will be of a similar type and quality and may include recycled parts. If you insist that we use 
parts supplied by the original manufacturer
despite alternative parts being available, then 
we may ask you to pay the difference in the cost.

  • If the vehicle cannot be repaired and belongs to someone else or is the subject of a Hire Purchase 
or Leasing Agreement, then we will pay the legal owner.

  • If your vehicle is stolen and not recovered or declared a total loss, once we have settled your claim, your vehicle will become our property and you must send us the registration document.

It is important that you read this alongside the General exclusions section in full to understand what is, and what is not covered.

4. Additional covers

These additional covers are only provided if you have purchased ‘Fully comprehensive cover’. It is important that you read this alongside the General exclusions section in full to understand what is, and what is not covered.

A - Courtesy vehicle

If your vehicle is being repaired under Section 2 or 3 by our approved repairers they will give you a courtesy vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired, subject to availability.

The courtesy vehicle will not be provided if your vehicle is stolen and not recovered, deemed a total loss, is not being repaired by our approved repairer or the damage is only glass damage.

Any vehicle provided by our approved repairers will not be a like for like replacement for your vehicle.

We will insure the courtesy vehicle under your policy subject to the same terms and conditions.

B - Personal belongings

If you are claiming under Section 2 or 3, we will pay up to the limits shown in the policy schedule for loss or damage to personal belongings in your vehicle at the time of any accident, fire or theft.

This cover applies in respect of any personal belongings owned either by you or by any passenger in the vehicle at the time of the loss or damage.

What is not covered

We will not pay any claims for loss if:

  • the tailgate, boot, sunroof or any door of the vehicle has been left unlocked;

  • the personal belongings have been left in an open or unlocked cargo area.

We will not pay any claims for loss or damage to:

  1. money, stamps, tickets, documents, promotional vouchers, or air miles vouchers;

  2. goods, tools, or samples carried in connection with any trade or business.

C - Tools

If you are claiming under Section 2 or 3, we will pay up to the limits shown in the policy schedule for loss or damage to tools associated with your declared trade in your vehicle at the time of any accident, fire or theft.

This cover applies in respect of any tools owned either by you or by any passenger in the vehicle at the time of the loss or damage.

What is not covered

We will not pay any claims for loss of, or damage to tools:

  • stolen when the tailgate, boot, sunroof or any door of the vehicle has been left unlocked;

  • left in the rear of a pickup or an open backed vehicle, unless kept in a locked tools chest that is permanently fixed to the vehicle;

  • stolen by, or with the assistance of you, your employees, or members of your family;

  • of a cosmetic nature only;

  • caused by goods and objects being transported;

  • insured under any other policy;

  • left in your vehicle overnight (10pm - 6am) unless your vehicle was:

    • parked in an area secured by a locked gate, or

    • parked in a locked and secure garage.

D - Lost or Stolen Keys

If your vehicle keys are damaged, lost or stolen we will reimburse you for the cost of replacing the locks and keys and/or re-coding or replacing the alarm system.

We will pay up to the limits shown in the policy schedule.

If you solely make a claim for lost or stolen keys you will not have to pay any excess.

E - Personal Accident

What is covered

We will pay up to the limits shown in the policy schedule should you suffer an injury as result of an accident whilst using your vehicle, or when getting in or out of your vehicle which directly results in, and the only cause of:

  • death,

  • permanent total disablement, or

  • permanent partial disablement

either immediately or within 3 months from the date of the accident.

What is not covered

We will not pay any claims for:

  • any injury or death caused by deliberate acts;

  • any medical expenses, including but not limited to the costs of private treatment, experts’ opinions, and any future costs of care.

F - Legal expenses

Legal expenses help you if you need to take legal action or defend yourself in court as a result of using your vehicle.

What words mean

Throughout the legal expenses sub-section you’ll see a lot of words and phrases in bold that have a particular meaning which can be found below.

For the other words and phrases in bold see ‘What words mean at the start of the policy’ for the particular meaning of these

  • Authorised representatives: The solicitor, counsel, or other suitably qualified persons we appoint to represent you under this section of the policy.

  • Legal Costs: All reasonable, necessary and proportionate legal fees, expenses and other fees charged by the authorised representative and agreed by us. We will assess legal fees, expenses and other fees on the standard basis, or in line with any fixed recoverable costs scheme that applies. This includes any costs incurred by your opponent that you are ordered to pay by a court, or any other fees we agree to in writing.

  • Reasonable prospect of success: Reasonable prospects greater than or equal to fifty one percent (51%) of successfully receiving money by way of compensation in relation to an accident which was not your fault. This is assessed by us or the authorised representatives.

  • Uninsured Losses: These are losses following an accident which was not your fault that are not covered in Section 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 of your policy. Examples of uninsured losses include:

    • your excess

    • compensation for your death or bodily injury.

    • damage to your vehicle if you don’t have Comprehensive cover (repair costs will be covered under a comprehensive policy).

    • damage to any belongings in your vehicle that you are legally responsible for
      loss of earnings

  • any other financial losses that happened as a direct result of the accident

  • We, Us, Our: Extracover Insurance Company Limited and Wakam UK Limited, Zego and anyone they may appoint to act on their behalf

  • You, Your: The policyholder or any named driver and any passenger in your vehicle, as long as the passenger making the claim has the policyholder’s permission to make the claim.

What is covered

Uninsured losses

If you are involved in an accident in your vehicle which is not your fault we will provide cover for the legal costs to help you claim your uninsured losses.

We will pay for the legal costs up to the limit as shown in your policy schedule.

Motor prosecution defence

If you are prosecuted for a motoring offence while using your vehicle we will provide cover for the legal costs to defend you in a criminal court within the territories.

We will pay for the legal costs up to the limit as shown in your policy schedule.

What is not covered

Prospects of success

We will not provide cover if we or the authorised representatives consider there is not a reasonable prospect of success.

Valid motor claim

We will not provide cover if the:

  • claim relates to any loss or damage already covered by this policy or any other insurance policy

  • legal costs relate to a claim made on your policy under Sections 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 that has been refused

  • accident giving rise to a claim under this section occurred outside of the territories

  • legal proceedings will happen in a court outside of the territories

  • accident giving rise to a claim under this section occurred outside of the period of insurance

Other insurance

We will not provide cover if you are covered under another insurance policy or if funding is available from any public body, trade union or employer.

Costs agreement

We will not provide cover for legal costs incurred without our prior written agreement or any legal costs that relate to the period before we accept your claim.

Fines and court awards

We will not provide cover for:

  • any fines, compensation, expenses, damages or penalties awarded against you;

  • any third party legal costs you are ordered to pay by a court.

Motoring offences

We will not provide cover for offences relating to:

  • parking, obstruction or waiting,

  • drink or drugs,

  • vehicle tests, such as the MOT,

  • driving unroadworthy vehicles.

We will not provide cover if:

  • you were driving without valid motor insurance; or

  • you were already covered under Section 1.

Disputes with us

We will not provide cover for any dispute with us, Zego or our authorised representatives under this section. If you have a complaint please follow the process in the Complaints section.

Claims against someone insured under this policy

We will not provide any cover to pursue a claim against another person insured by this policy or claims for passengers where there is a conflict or a significant risk of a conflict of interests between the policyholder, the driver or any other passenger(s).


We will not provide cover for any appeal or enforcement action, unless we provide cover for the original claim and only when agreed by us.

Psychological Injuries

We will not provide cover for any psychological injuries or mental illness, unless they were caused by an act covered by your policy that also caused you physical injury.

Conditions specific to legal expenses

Following policy terms

You must:

  • comply with all of the terms of this policy;

  • take all reasonable steps to minimise the cost of claims;

  • take all reasonable precautions to prevent a claim from happening;

  • notify us within 7 days of any incident which could lead to a claim or legal proceedings involving you;

  • send all letters, notices and communications regarding any claim made to us or the authorised representative.

If you fail to follow any of the terms of this policy, prejudicing our position, we have the right to:

  • refuse or withdraw from the claim;

  • refuse to cover legal costs – even if we have previously agreed to them;

  • ask you to reimburse legal costs that we have already paid.


You must:

  • cooperate with us and the authorised representative;

  • obtain our agreement before instructing a barrister or an expert witness;

  • keep us and the authorised representative up to date with any developments to do with the claim;

  • give us and the authorised representative any information, evidence and documents that you have or know about as soon as reasonably possible;

  • not take any action that has not been agreed by us or the authorised representative.

We may ask the authorised representative for information, documents or advice relating to a claim or legal proceedings whether privileged or not and on request you must give us any assistance necessary to ensure this happens. If the authorised representative refuses to grant such access we have the right to refuse to pay legal costs.

Choosing who represents you

We will appoint an authorised representative in your name and on your behalf. You may only change the authorised representative when it becomes necessary to start court proceedings, or if there is a conflict of interest and only with our prior agreement.

If you do want to choose your own representative:

  • you must make sure they are aware of the conditions of the policy and of the limits of your cover;

  • they must agree to our terms of appointment. We will only provide cover for their legal costs from the date they agree to our terms of appointment;

  • you will have a separate contract with them and if they charge any legal costs that we do not agree to, you will be responsible for paying these;

  • you must not enter into any agreement with them regarding the payment of your costs without our agreement;

  • we may withdraw consent given at any time where we have reasonable grounds to do so. For example your representatives fees are unreasonably high.

Ending who represents you

If the authorised representative refuses to continue acting, or if you dismiss them, we will end cover for legal costs immediately, unless we agree to a different authorised representative.

Ending your claim

You must tell us if:

  • you receive an offer to settle your claim;

  • If anyone makes a payment into court.

If you refuse an offer or payment that we or the authorised representatives think you should accept, we can refuse to provide cover for any further legal costs.

Unless we agree, you must not:

  • stop, settle, negotiate or withdraw your claim.

  • dismiss your authorised representative.

If you do stop, settle, negotiate or withdraw your claim without our and the authorised representative’s agreement, you may become liable to pay any legal costs we have paid.

Settling claims outside of court

We can choose to settle your claim outside of court if we think it makes financial sense to do this. If we do this we will give you the amount you are likely to be awarded by a court.

5. General exclusions

These general exclusions apply to all sections of this policy, regardless of the type of cover provided. They describe the things which are not covered in any situation and apply as well as the exclusions shown in each individual section. It is therefore extremely important that you read them in full.

Driving and Use:

The policy does not cover any loss, damage or 
liability where the vehicle is being:

  • driven by someone who is not described as 
entitled to drive by the certificate of motor insurance or schedule;

  • used for any purpose not allowed by the 
certificate of motor insurance or schedule;

  • driven by someone who:

    • does not have a valid driving licence and the minimum age required within the country in which the accident takes place ; or

    • is disqualified from holding or obtaining such 
a licence; or

    • is breaking the conditions of their driving licence.

  • used specifically for commercial use and is being driven by any person not in possession of any permissions or licences required in connection 
with that use;

  • used to carry passengers or goods in a way 
likely to affect its safe riding and control;

  • used in any way that is otherwise illegal within 
the territories;

  • used to tow any trailer or vehicle;

  • driven by or is in the charge of any person who 
is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

  • driven by someone who causes an accident 
through a deliberate or reckless act;

  • loaded or unloaded.

Vehicle Damage

This policy does not cover:

  • the excess that applies, as shown in the policy schedule;

  • the amount of any repair or replacement which improves your vehicle beyond its condition
before the loss or damage;

  • depreciation, wear and tear;

  • mechanical, electrical and electronic faults, breakdown, malfunction, failure, breakage;

  • loss of value of your vehicle following repair;

  • any loss or damage caused by your vehicle 
being incorrectly fuelled;

  • damage to tyres caused by the application of brakes or any punctures, cuts or bursts;

  • more than the last list or quoted price for any accessories which have become unobtainable or are no longer manufactured in the territories;

  • the cost of importing parts/items of replacement glass that are not available in the country within which the accident occurred;

  • mechanical items associated with the window mechanisms of your vehicle under the glass section;

  • deliberate damage to your vehicle caused by an employee or someone who normally lives with 
you as part of your household;

  • loss or damage to:

    • contents of your vehicle, personal effects, including mobile phones or tablets, or television equipment except for cover under ‘Section 4: Additional covers’;

    • money, stamps, tickets, documents, 
promotional vouchers, or air miles vouchers;

    • goods, tools, or samples carried in connection with any trade or business (unless cover is shown on your schedule);

    • property insured under any other policy; or

    • any camera installed within your vehicle.


This policy does not cover any loss of or damage to your vehicle:

  • caused directly or indirectly through theft by deception;

  • arising from theft, when the tailgate, boot, sunroof or any door of your vehicle has been left unlocked and/or when the ignition keys are in or on your vehicle;

  • if it is taken or driven without consent by an employee or someone who normally lives with you as part of your household.

Loss of Use

The policy does not cover any loss or damage which is otherwise not specifically covered under the policy including, but not limited to any indirect losses such as loss of use of your vehicle, travel costs or loss of earnings.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

The policy does not cover the VAT element of any 
claim if you are registered for VAT.

Tools of Trade

The policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability when using your vehicle, or any mechanical plant, machinery, hoist, lift, crane or similar appliance whether attached to your vehicle or not, as a tool of trade (including loading and unloading).

Vehicle Seizure

The policy does not cover loss or damage caused 
by any government, public or local authority, legally removing, keeping or destroying your vehicle or 
any costs to secure the release.

Other Contracts

The policy does not cover any loss or liability:

  • that you or anyone insured under this policy has accepted under an agreement or contract, unless that liability would have attached anyway;

  • arising from any other business owned and/or operated by you, other than specifically stated 
as covered on the policy schedule.

  • resulting from carrying, preparing, selling or supplying any goods, food or drink from your vehicle.

Other Insurance

The policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability 
if covered by any other insurance policy.

Hazardous Goods/Locations

The policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability arising directly or indirectly of carrying hazardous goods including flammable, explosive, corrosive or oxidizing substances, dynamite, or similar explosives, 
or asbestos or any material containing asbestos in 
any form and in any quantity.

The policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability where the vehicle is being used in a hazardous location.


The policy does not cover:

  • death of or injury to any person or damage to any property which is directly or indirectly caused by pollution or contamination;

  • any loss or liability resulting directly or indirectly from exposure to electric or electromagnetic magnetic fields or radiation.


The policy does not cover any claims relating to racing of any description or a vehicle being used in any contest, competition, track days, rallies or trials, or any
other form of racetrack or off-road activity, including test and training events, use on any derestricted toll road or the Nurburgring Nordschleife, as well as liaison routes between two stages of a sporting event.


The policy does not cover any claim that occurs whilst the vehicle is in or on that part of an aerodrome, airport, airfield or military base provided for:

  • the take-off or landing of aircraft and/or the movement of aircraft on the surface;

  • aircraft parking aprons including the associated service roads, refuelling areas, and ground equipment parking areas.


Except as required under the Road Traffic Act, this policy does not cover any loss or damage caused 
by terrorism, war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military 
or usurped power.


The policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability arising from any cyber act or event including but not limited to:

  • any virus or similar mechanism;

  • any malicious act resulting in any inability or failure to receive, send, access, or use data (for any time 
at all); or

  • any malicious creation, input, destruction, erasure, distortion, corruption, alteration, misinterpretation, misappropriation or use of data.

Period of Insurance

This policy does not cover any claim that occurred outside of the period of insurance.

6. Telematics & integration

What is Sense

Sense is Zego’s app which uses your location information and motion data to build up a clearer understanding of how you drive, allowing us to offer you the fairest price possible.

That means we'll know:

  • how much you drive,

  • how far you drive,

  • which areas you drive in,

  • how quickly you go, and

  • how you accelerate, brake and corner.

This is the only data Sense can access. Sense cannot, and will not, access any other apps or documents, such as your emails, contacts, photos, banking information, health information, or social media.

What do you need to do

If you have taken out a Sense policy, as noted on your schedule 'Sense app required Yes', for us to provide you with cover you must:

  • install Zego’s Sense app; and

  • sign in; and

  • grant all motion, location and background permissions required to enable the app to operate and collect data in the background.

This must be done before or on the policy start date.

If you fail to do this we will provide you with warnings and a reasonable period to install Zego’s Sense app, sign in and grant all motion, location and background permissions required.

If you ignore the warnings we will cancel your policy in accordance with the ‘Cancellation’ section.

For more information on how to setup and set the correct permissions please visit:

What can we do if you become non-compliant

If, during the period of insurance, you become non-compliant, we/Zego will send you warnings providing reasonable notice to allow you time to re-install the Sense app (if needed), sign in and grant all motion, location and background permissions required.

If you ignore our warnings and continue to be non-compliant we will cancel your policy in accordance with the ‘Cancellation’ section.

If we have previously issued you with a warning for being non-compliant on two or more separate occasions and you become non-compliant again, we may cancel your policy in accordance with the ‘Cancellation’ section.

If your policy is cancelled you may be entitled to a refund of premium paid, please refer to the ‘Cancellation’ section

How we use your driving data

Poor driving

Your driving score will be shown in the Sense app.

If your score suggests poor driving behaviour, such as reckless or dangerous driving for example, we will send you a warning identifying areas of concern and a time frame when your score must have improved by. You can see how you are driving and how you can improve in the Sense app.

If your score suggests that you continue to drive poorly despite our warnings, we may cancel your policy in accordance with the ‘Cancellation’ section.


As we have said, the aim of the Sense app is to build up a clearer understanding of how you drive as an individual, allowing us to offer you the fairest price possible.
This means we may use your Sense data to provide a price which reflects how you drive.

You can see how you are driving and how you can improve on the Sense app.


We may use your Sense data to help make sure any claim made is settled fairly.
We may also use your Sense data to help us identify fraudulent claims.

Policy Information

It is important that you have provided complete and accurate information when answering our questions. If you don’t then your policy may be invalid and any claim may not be paid.

We may use your Sense data to check the details you have given us, for example where you keep your vehicle overnight and your declared mileage.

We will contact you if we think your policy details need to change, and any change could result in a change in your premium and you may be charged an administration fee, or it could result in the cancellation of your policy.

7. General conditions

In this section you’ll find a number of terms that apply to all of this policy, and describe your responsibilities, general information and the procedures that apply in certain situations.

It’s really important that you read and comply with 
these terms as any breach could make the policy
invalid or mean that we don’t pay claims in full or at all.

Tell us the truth and when your information changes

When you purchased your policy, you were 
asked a number of questions about you including 
your driving history, about any named driver, and 
your vehicle. You may also be asked these types 
of questions when you make any changes to 
the policy.

It is important that you, or anyone acting on your 
behalf, answer all of these questions fully and 
accurately because if any information that you 
provide is incomplete or inaccurate, including the submission of false, altered, forged or stolen 
documents, then we/Zego may be able to do one 
or more of the following:

  • refuse or reduce any claim payment to you;

  • apply additional terms or limitations to your policy, and charge you an administration fee for making the change;

  • cancel your policy, which depending on circumstances, may be with immediate effect;

  • avoid your policy entirely, which means treating the policy as though it never came into effect; and/or

  • retain any premium you have paid, and if you are paying monthly the full amount of premium may
still need to be paid.

You must also tell us/Zego any material facts relating 
to your business. A material fact is anything that an insurer is likely to take into account when considering whether to offer an insurance policy or how much to charge for it. If you have any doubts at all regarding what a material fact is, or whether a particular piece 
of information constitutes a material fact, then please tell us straight away.

Where fraud is identified we will pass details to any fraud prevention, other insurers, and/or law enforcement agencies, including but not limited to the Police for the purposes of preventing and/or prosecuting fraud and money laundering.

Changes to the risk

If your circumstances change from those that you 
told us/Zego about when you purchased the policy, then you need to tell us/Zego straight away. Until we/Zego are aware of that change, and have confirmed in writing that it is acceptable (or if you may need to pay 
a higher premium), then you will not be covered under this policy and any claims will not be paid.

Any changes to your policy may result in a change in your premium and you may be charged an administration fee. An administration fee may apply even if the change results in a return of premium to you. Details of fees and charges can be found here - as shown in Zego’s Terms of Business. Any fees charged for your policy are non-refundable.


We will contact you before your renewal to confirm the terms and the renewal premium.

Unless you have told us/Zego not to at least 3 days before your renewal date, we will automatically renew your policy on its renewal date. We will use the payment details you previously gave us and renew before the expiry date. If your card details have been updated, your card provider may let us know.

If your policy is set to automatically renew and you do not want to renew your policy, or you want to opt out of automatic renewal, you can do this via the MyZego app or by contacting Zego. Please note you must do this at least 3 days before your renewal date. If you do not opt out of automatic renewal this does not affect your rights to cancel your policy under the Cancellation section.

Please note that if you do opt out of automatic renewal and you wish to renew your policy you will need to contact Zego prior to your renewal date to do so. Otherwise the policy will terminate on the end date and time shown on your certificate of motor insurance.

There are times we cannot renew your policy. When this happens we will contact you to let you know before your renewal date.

Some examples of when we may not be able to renew the policy include (but are not limited to):

  • if your and/or named drivers’ details are now outside of the acceptance criteria; or

  • if the acceptance criteria for the product has changed; or

  • if you have outstanding debt on your current policy.


The policy does not cover any claims where the 
vehicle involved in the accident has been subject to 
any modifications (other than any repairs carried out 
by a suitably qualified repair provider or the professional installation of a protective screen/partition).

Duty to prevent loss or damage

You, and all named drivers, need to take reasonable 
care to avoid causing any loss, damage, or injury and make sure that your vehicle is roadworthy.

Payment of the premium

We are providing you with the cover under this policy on the basis that you pay all premiums due on time and in full. Where you have failed to pay a premium for any given period of cover then we will be entitled to decline any claims arising from accidents happening during that period. If we approve your claim, we will not provide cover unless and until the outstanding premium is paid in full.

Claims Fraud

Fraud is a criminal offence. If you, any named driver, 
or anyone else acting on your behalf;

  • makes any claim under the policy knowing it to be false, fraudulently inflated, or supported by fraudulent documents or facts,

then we/Zego may do any or all of the following:

  • Decline the claim, recover any sums paid in respect of the claim and treat the policy as being terminated from the date of the fraud;

  • Keep any premium which would otherwise have been returned to you for any unexpired period on the policy; and/or

  • Pass any details to other insurers, any fraud prevention and/or law enforcement agencies, including but not limited to the Police.

Vehicle Registration

For cover to apply your vehicle must be registered, taxed as required within the territories and you are a 
tax resident in the territories.

Rights of recovery

If under the laws of any country we/Zego are obliged
to deal with any claim but either:

  • you have failed to pay the premium for the relevant period of cover on time or at all; or

  • we/Zego would otherwise be entitled to decline the claim for a breach of the policy’s terms,

then, we will have a direct right of recovery against you for any sums paid out as part of that claim.


You can cancel the policy by contacting us at [email protected] , by phone on 0203 053 9815, or by using live chat within your account.

Your cancellation of the policy (30-day policies)

As this is a short-term policy, there 
is no cooling-off period. This means that if you cancel the policy, then there will be no refund of any premium paid, whether or not any claim has been made.

Your cancellation of the policy (applies to annual policies)

You can cancel the policy at any time.


If you or we/Zego cancel the policy, where a claim has been made, or there has been an accident likely to give rise to a claim, we will not provide a refund of any premium paid and the full amount of premium will still need to be paid.

If your policy is cancelled within 14 days of you receiving your policy documentation (the “cooling off period”), where no claim has been made, and there have been no accidents likely to give rise to a claim, you will be charged for the number of days you have had on cover, and you will be refunded the rest of the premium paid, unless we/Zego cancel your policy where we reasonably suspect fraud.

If your policy is cancelled outside of the 14 day cooling off period where no claim has been made, and there have been no accidents likely to give rise to a claim, then:

  • If you cancel you will be entitled to a refund of premium in line with the scale set out in the table below based on the number of full months you have been on cover;

  • If we/Zego cancel for suspect fraud we will not provide a refund of any premium;

  • If we/Zego cancel due to you being non-compliant, you will be entitled to a refund of premium in line with the scale set out in the table below based on the number of full months you have been on cover;

  • If we/Zego cancel, for any other reason, you will be charged for the number of days you have had on cover, and you will be refunded the rest of the premium paid.

If any part of the premium was paid with a finance agreement and at the time of cancellation there remains an outstanding balance under the agreement, we/Zego may deduct from the return premium any outstanding amount due to the finance company that you would otherwise have to pay them. We will then return to you the return premium less the amount paid to the finance company.

Period not

14 days

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

% of premium
we keep

Pro rata











% of premium
due back to you











If you are a resident of Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man when you cancel the policy you must return your certificate of motor insurance 
to us.

Circumstances where we may cancel the policy (30 day and annual)

We may be entitled to cancel the policy (or Zego on 
our behalf), if there is a good reason for doing so.

Some examples of situations where we would have a good reason for cancelling the policy include (but are not limited to):

  • a breach of the terms and conditions of this policy.

  • you are non-compliant and remain non-compliant at the end of the warning period we have given you, if Zego’s Sense app is required

  • If we have previously issued you with a warning for being non-compliant on two or more separate occasion and you become non-compliant again, if Zego’s Sense app is required

  • you failing to link your integrated work provider account with your Zego account, if required

  • we identify poor driving behaviour via the Zego Sense app and you continue to drive poorly despite warnings;

  • you have failed to co-operate with, or respond to, our reasonable requests for information and/or documents required either to decide what your premium should be, or to deal with any claim

  • you harass or use any aggressive behaviour or language towards any member of our staff

  • your circumstances change and we are unable to provide you with insurance

  • non-payment of the premium due including non payment of any instalments due under a finance agreement

  • Where you:

    • become or are declared insolvent or bankrupt; or

    • an insolvency practitioner or liquidator is appointed to manage your affairs; or

    • are the subject of any creditors voluntary arrangement.

  • we/Zego reasonably suspect fraud or any attempt to gain any unfair advantage under this policy including when you provide fraudulent documentation to a work provider or licencing authority.

How we will cancel your policy

We/Zego do not need to give you any notice to cancel your policy where we reasonably suspect fraud.

If you are non-compliant and remain non-compliant at the end of the warning period we/Zego have given you, your policy will be cancelled with immediate effect at the end of that warning period. We/Zego will explain this to you in the warnings that we send.

If you have been non-compliant on two or more occasions and become non-compliant again, we/Zego may cancel your policy by providing you with 5 days’ notice to cancel your policy.

In all other cases where we/Zego are able to cancel your policy, we/Zego will provide you with 7 days’ notice to cancel your policy.

Notice will be sent to either the email address or postal address shown on your account.

Once the policy is cancelled we will remove your vehicle from the MID as from the effective date of cancellation.

Immediate Cancellation

Where we/Zego reasonably suspect fraud by you, any 
named driver, or anyone else acting on your behalf 
we will cancel your policy with immediate effect 
and will not refund any unused premium paid.

If you pay monthly, you must still pay the full balance
of your annual premium.

Important to note

  • You must tell all named drivers that the policy has been cancelled.

  • Where your policy has been cancelled, any optional product purchased with your policy (e.g. Breakdown Cover) will also be cancelled. Please refer to your 
optional products policy wording for refund details.


We will not provide cover, pay claims or provide 
benefits to the extent that doing so would expose 
us to sanctions, prohibitions or restrictions under 
United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws, or regulations of any country.

The legal bit

The policy and any disputes relating to it (although 
we hope there are none) will be governed by the law 
of the England and Wales

No Claims Discount

As soon as you have 12 months or more continuous claims free cover with us, you will start to earn a no claims discount (“NCD”).

We will allow a NCD against your renewal premium 
if no claim has been made, or any accident likely to 
give rise to a claim has occurred, during the previous continuous 12-month period of insurance. The level
of discount applied will be in line with our 
NCD scale, applicable at the time of renewal.

How claims will affect your NCD

Where we have made any payment on a claim which 
we have not yet been able to recover, or which we cannot recover from any other party involved in the accident, your NCD discount will be reduced to 
Nil, even if you are not at fault.

Any claim where we have fully recovered our costs will not affect your NCD.

Where you have fully comprehensive cover, you will be allowed one claim for glass damage during the previous continuous 12-month period of insurance without any 
impact upon your NCD, provided that an approved repairer is used.

NCD Protection

If you are eligible and pay the required extra premium, you may choose to protect your NCD. If chosen, this will be shown on your policy schedule.

If your NCD is protected, then your NCD will be protected for the first accident or claim that happens during the previous continuous 12-month period 
of insurance.

However, your overall premium may still increase following an accident/claim even if you were not 
at fault.

If you make a claim on your policy and your NCD is protected, your NCD will reduce as follows:

NCD years earned at beginning of the 12 month period

NCD years status of policy WITH protected NCD after 1 at-fault or outstanding claim

NCD years status of policy WITH protected NCD after 2+ at-fault or outstanding claim

NCD years status of policy WITH protected NCD if you have a claim of incurred amount >£45,000

NCD years status of policy WITHOUT protected NCD after at-fault or outstanding claim/s































8. Claiming

Ok, so this part sets out everything that you need 
to know about making a claim under the policy: 
what you should do, what you need to tell us, and what you definitely shouldn’t do. It’s really important that all drivers insured by this policy are aware of all of these terms and the need to comply, or the policy may not
 be valid and/or any claim(s) may not be paid.

There’s just been an accident.

  • As soon as it is safe to do so after an accident or incident, call us on 020 3885 0622

  • We will ask some questions about the accident or incident, such as when, where, and how it happened, and whether any other people were involved.

  • Do not admit any fault or make any offers or promises etc. to any other person that was
involved without speaking to us first.

  • If any other people are involved, then do NOT
DRIVE AWAY. Stop if any property has been damaged or if anyone is injured, and provide 
your name and address and insurance details
to anyone who needs it. If you don't stop at the scene or report an incident you could be committing an offence and be subject to a fine and up to six months in prison.

  • Similarly, you should ask any other other person 
who is involved for their name, address, and insurance details.

  • If your vehicle is stolen or damaged as a result of an theft you must report this to the police and give us the Crime Reference Number before we can issue any payment.

When we’re handling the claim, what else do you need to do?

  • If you receive any communication about the accident, whether it concerns who is responsible for the accident, any repairs to the vehicle, or any other costs that have been incurred, then please tell us straight away. If the communication is in writing, then please send us a copy.

  • As we say above, it’s very important that you make no admission of liability, promise, or offer to anyone at any time, without our permission.

  • Please tell us straight away if you or any other person involved in the accident are to be prosecuted as a result of the accident, or if there is to be an inquest following a fatal accident.

  • If we ask you for any information or documentation which is necessary for us to consider the claim, or 
to deal with any proceedings, then this must be provided to us as soon as possible.

  • If we want to, we will take over and conduct in your name the defence or settlement of any claim, or to issue proceedings in your name against any person to recover any payment that it has made under this policy.

  • We will have full control of those proceedings and progress/settle them however we think best, but this shall always be at our cost and expense. You will not have to pay.

  • In the event of a claim covered by this policy you must still pay any premium as and when 
it falls due. If any payment is not made, then we may:

    • cancel the policy in accordance with the general conditions and seek payment of the outstanding balance of premium;

    • refuse to pay any claim which happens on or after the due date of the premium; and/or

    • deduct any outstanding premium from the claim payment.

9. Data protection

When we say ‘we/our/us' this means Zego in this sub-section.

You must inform all named drivers that their personal information has been provided to us and ensure they know where to find our Privacy Notice.

For a full copy of our Privacy Notice, which outlines in detail how we and any other parties (including, but not limited to, Extracover Insurance Company Limited) may use any personal data, together with all of your rights and how to exercise these, just follow this link: To find out how Wakam UK Limited will use your personal data as one of the authorised insurers, please go to this link which will detail their Privacy Notice.

Your privacy is important to us and we assure you and any named driver that we will respect any personal data and only use it as specified in our Privacy Notice.

All phone calls, emails and any other written or electronic communications with us may be monitored and recorded and the recordings used for fraud prevention and detection, training and quality control purposes.

For details about your rights and how to exercise them, please visit the link to our Privacy Notice above.

You can ask us at any time for details of the information that we hold about you. You can submit a request through our Privacy Notice Page (‘Exercise your rights’ button at the bottom of the page) or use the following link :

If you need to make changes to your or the named driver’s details on your Zego account or Policy, please contact our Customer Service team on:

  • Phone : 0203 053 9815

  • Post: 7th Floor Exchange House, 12 Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2EG.

Motor Insurance Database (MID)

Information relating to this policy and the vehicles insured under it will be added to the Motor Insurance Database (“MID”) managed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (“MIB”). MID and the data stored on it may be used by certain statutory and/or authorised bodies including the Police, the DVLA, the DVANI, the Insurance Fraud Bureau and other bodies permitted by law for purposes not limited to but including:

  • Electronic licensing;

  • Continuous insurance enforcement;

  • Law enforcement (prevention, detection, apprehension and or prosecution of offenders); and

  • The provision of government services and or other services aimed at reducing the level and incidence of uninsured driving.

If you are involved in an accident (either in the United Kingdom, the EEA or certain other territories), insurers and or the MIB may search the MID to obtain relevant information. Persons (including his or her appointed representatives) pursuing a claim in respect of an accident (including citizens of other countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on the MID. It is vital that the MID holds the correct vehicle registration number(s). If it is incorrectly shown on the MID you are at risk of having the vehicle seized by the Police.

You can check that all vehicle registration number details are shown on the MID at

10. Complaints

How to make a complaint

Zego will always strive to provide you with the best possible service, but in the unlikely event that you should have cause for complaint, then you can reach Zego at:

  • Email: 
You can email your complaint to us at [email protected]. We'll respond to your email as soon as we can.

  • Live Chat:
Log in to My Account and start a new chat.

  • Telephone:
You can call us on 0808 196 5330 to discuss your complaint over the phone.

  • Post:
Zego, 7th Floor Exchange House, 12 Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BQ.

Financial Ombudsman Service

If you are still unhappy with the final response to the complaint, or if Zego does not provide a final response letter within 8 weeks, then you may be able to take the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service at:

Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange
London, E14 9SR
Telephone: +44 (0) 800 023 4567
Email: [email protected]

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

The authorised insurers are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if any of the authorised insurers cannot meet its obligations. This will depend on the circumstances of the claim.

Further information about the compensation scheme arrangements can be found on the FSCS:

or by writing to:

Financial Services Compensation Scheme
15 St Botolph Street
London, EC3A 7QY
Telephone: + 44 (0) 800 678 1100

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