Report incidents immediately through your Zego app or call our 24/7 phone line
All incidents have to be reported regardless of blame
We are pleased to welcome you as a Zego 30 Day fixed policyholder and thank you for choosing to insure your motor vehicle with Zego. We aim to provide the best cover and claims service for all our policyholders to give you peace of mind motoring.
This policy booklet, together with your Policy Schedule, Certificate of Motor Insurance and the information you provided via the Zego App, forms the contract between you and us. Please take the time to read and understand it and keep the documents together in a safe place.
We have done everything possible to make your insurance documents as straightforward as possible. This policy booklet gives useful advice on how to make a claim and what you can do if you are unhappy with our service. If you have any questions, please call Zego.
We wish you an incident free time with Zego 30 Day fixed Scooter Insurance.
How to read your Insurance Zego motor policy
This is your Zego Motor Insurance Policy.
Your Cover
This insurance offering is for Third Party Only cover, whilst using your vehicle for Social, Domestic and Pleasure purposes.
It does NOT offer Comprehensive or Third Party Fire & Theft cover and it does not offer cover for any other use other than for Social, Domestic and Pleasure purposes
Policy sections which apply to you
The level of cover which applies to you, is Third Party Only and is shown in your Statement of Insurance and/or Schedule.
Please read your Zego Motor Policy, Statement of Insurance and/or Schedule, Certificate of Motor Insurance and any Endorsements carefully to ensure your cover meets your requirements and the details are correct. These are legal documents, please keep them in a safe place.
Several Liabillity Notice
The authorised insurers for thie insurance are Extracover Insurance Company Limited and Wakam UK Limited. They've agreed to cover an agreed a share of any losses and/or costs should a claim arise. The insurers' obligations under this policy are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their agreed share. No individual insurer is liable for any amount beyond their agreed share of any losses and/or costs or responsible for any other insurer who for any reason does not meet all or part of their obligations, but collectively your insurance cover will amount to 100%.
Extracover Insurance Company Limited, authorised by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, Company Number 118662 at Madison Building, Midtown, Queensway, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA.
Wakam UK Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 14778827, having its registered office at 18th & 19th Floors 100 Bishopgate, London, United Kingdom, EC2N 4AG. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under Firm Reference Number 995565.
The Contract of Insurance
Your Zego Motor Policy, Statement of Insurance and/or Schedule, Certificate of Motor Insurance and any Endorsements describe the cover during the Period of Insurance you have paid for or are paying for by instalments and for which the Insurer has accepted the premium.
This Motor Policy is a contract solely between you and the Insurer and consists of your Statement of Insurance and/or proposal form via the Zego App, your Zego Motor Policy (the Policy), Certificate of Motor Insurance and/or Schedule and any Endorsements. It is not intended that the Contracts (Rights of Third Party) Act 1999 should confer any additional rights under this Motor Policy in favour of any third party.
Your cover is effective in the United Kingdom only. So that you fully understand what you are covered for, please read your Statement of Insurance and/or Schedule, your Zego Motor Policy, Certificate of Motor Insurance and any Endorsements. You should pay particular attention to the General Exclusions and General Conditions. You must notify us as soon as possible of any changes which affect your Motor Policy and which have occurred either since the cover started or since the last renewal date. If you do not tell us about relevant changes, your Motor Policy may not be valid or
may not cover you fully. Please make sure that your cover meets your requirements and the details are correct.
You must take reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the questions we ask when you take out, make changes to and renew your policy. If you are in doubt please contact us.
If the information provided by you is not complete and accurate:
The insurer may cancel your policy and refuse to pay any claims; or
The insurer may not pay any claim in full; or
Your premium may be revised and/or the compulsory Excess may be changed; or
The extent of the cover may be affected
In addition, if you are taking out Insurance related to your business, you must also disclose all material facts. A material fact is anything the insurer needs to know about the risk they are accepting. If in doubt, please ask your Insurance adviser and they will give you examples of what you must tell the insurer.
If things go wrong, please contact Zego who will try to resolve the matter to your satisfaction. If the complaint is against the insurer, they will refer it to us so we can deal with it for you.
You will be kept informed and your complaint will be dealt with fairly. If you have to contact us directly, you may do so by writing to us at the address below:
Extracover Insurance Company Limited,
First Floor,
Grand Ocean Plaza,
Ocean Village,
If the complaint cannot be resolved within 8 weeks, you will receive a ‘final response letter’ from us and if you are eligible, you will be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Telephone: 0800 023 4567 (from fixed lines) or 0300 123 9123 (from mobiles) , Email: [email protected].
This policy is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation if the insurer are unable to meet their obligations.
Further information about the scheme is available on the FSCS website www.fscs.org.uk or by writing to the FSCS at 10th Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU.
Telephone: 0800 678 1100
Law applicable to this motor policy
This policy is subject to the Law of England and Wales and the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
What to do if you need to make a claim
It is essential that you inform us immediately (within 2 hours) of the occurrence of any incident, whether you believe it to be your fault or not and whether or not your vehicle sustains any damage. Immediate notification of the claim will allow us to better control costs, decide on liability and protect our joint interests.
Report claims using the ZEGO App or by calling the incident reporting line number below.
Incident reporting line: 020 3885 0622
The key words and terms that we use in this document:
Flex / Flexible Hire & Reward - pay-as-you-go cover
Certificate of motor insurance - a document which is legal evidence of your insurance and which forms part of this document, and which you must read with this document.
Claims handler / EEA representative for Green Card purposes - Broadspire, by Crawford and Company (UK)
Endorsement - change in the terms of the insurance which replaces the standard insurance wording, and is printed on, or issued with, the current schedule and current schedule of endorsements.
Excess - a contribution by you towards a claim under this insurance.
Motorcycle - meaning any moped, scooter or motorcycle of 125cc or less.
Period of insurance - the period of time covered by this insurance (as shown on the schedule) and any further period for which we accept your premium.
Road - any place which is a road for the purpose of any compulsory motor insurance law that operates in the United Kingdom.
Schedule, Policy schedule - the document showing the vehicle we are insuring and the cover which applies. To be read in conjunction with schedule of endorsements.
Schedule of endorsements – the document showing endorsements that apply. To be read in conjunction with the policy schedule.
United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
We, us – Extracover Insurance Company Limited and Wakam UK Limited
Your vehicle, the insured vehicle - any vehicle shown on the schedule or described on the current certificate of motor insurance.
You, Your – You the policyholder.
ZEGO App – Software designed for the purpose of purchasing motor insurance that is downloaded onto a mobile device.
This insurance offering is for Third Party Only cover, whilst using your vehicle for Social, Domestic and Pleasure purposes.
It does NOT offer Comprehensive or Third Party Fire & Theft cover and it does not offer cover for any other use other than for Social, Domestic and Pleasure purposes.
Liability to others
Driving/Riding your vehicle
We will insure you for all amounts you are legally liable to pay for:
the death of or personal injury to any third party; or
damage to property owned by any third party not exceeding £5,000,000
Happening as a result of a collision whilst driving your vehicle
Legal personal representatives
After the death of anyone who is covered by this insurance, we will deal with any claim made against that person’s estate, so long as the claim is covered by this insurance.
Emergency medical treatment
Where we must provide cover under the Road Traffic Act, we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this insurance covers. This cover only applies in the United Kingdom and where we must provide it under the Road Traffic Act.
Policy exceptions
These general exceptions apply to the whole insurance. Your insurance does not cover you for:
Drivers and Use
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) arising while any vehicle covered by this insurance is being:
Driven outside of the United Kingdom (unless we have given our express consent to do so);
Used for a purpose for which your vehicle is not insured;
Driven by or is in the charge of anyone (including you) who is not mentioned on the certificate of motor insurance as a person entitled to drive or who is excluded by an endorsement;
Driven by or is in the charge of anyone (including you) who is disqualified from driving, does not hold a valid driving licence in line with current law or has never held a licence to drive your vehicle, does not keep to the conditions of their driving licence or is prevented by law from having a licence (unless they do not need a licence by law);
Anyone who can claim for the same loss from any other insurance;
Loss of or damage to property belonging to (or in the care of) anyone we insure and who is making a claim under this part of the insurance;
Death of or bodily injury to any person arising out of and in the course of their employment by the policyholder or by any other person claiming under this insurance. This does not apply if we need to provide cover due to the requirements of relevant laws;
Death, bodily injury or damage arising as a result of loading or unloading your vehicle somewhere other than on the road by anyone apart from the driver or attendant use on any race track, race circuit or toll road without a speed limit;
Use for racing or pacemaking, used in any contest (apart from treasure hunts, road safety and non- competitive rallies); or speed trial or is involved in any rigorous reliability testing;
Use for any personal business including as a Courier or Fast-food delivery driver.
Construction and Use
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) arising while any vehicle covered by this insurance is being used to carry:
Any pillion passenger(s)
Any load which is greater than the maximum carrying capacity as set by the vehicle manufacturer or if applicable; any plated weight limit of the insured vehicle.
Criminal Acts
Any legal responsibility for loss or damage (direct or indirect) caused whilst your vehicle is used by anyone insured under this insurance:
In the course or furtherance of a crime; or
As a means of escape from, or avoidance of lawful apprehension.
Deliberate Acts
Any legal responsibility for loss or damage (direct or indirect) caused by a deliberate act or omission to act by anyone insured under this insurance.
The amount of any excess shown within this policy document and / or on your schedule.
Other Contracts
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) that: is also covered by any other insurance; or
You have accepted under an agreement or contract unless you would have had that responsibility anyway.
Any proceedings brought against you, or judgment passed in any court outside the United Kingdom, unless the proceedings or judgment arises out of your vehicle being used in a foreign country which we have agreed to extend this insurance to cover.
Earthquake, Riot, War and Terrorism
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) caused by, contributed to or arising from:
An earthquake;
The result of war, riot, civil commotion, revolution or any similar event elsewhere than in The United Kingdom (unless we need to provide cover to meet the minimum insurance needed by law);
Acts of terrorism, as defined in the UK Terrorism Act 2000, unless we need to provide the minimum insurance required by the Road Traffic Act.
Nuclear/Radioactive Contamination
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) caused by, contributed to or arising from:
Ionising, radiation or contamination from any radioactive nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from burning nuclear fuel;
The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous property of any explosive nuclear equipment or nuclear part of that equipment.
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) unless we need to provide the minimum insurance required by the Road Traffic Act, for claims for death, injury and/or illness,
Loss or damage to property arising directly or indirectly from pollution or contamination unless caused by a sudden identifiable unintended and unexpected event.
This exception:
Relates to contamination or pollution caused directly or indirectly by any substance, liquid, vapour or gas leaking or being released; and
Includes contamination or pollution of any building or other structure, water, land or the air.
We will not pay for claims arising directly or indirectly from contamination or pollution if it is caused by any substance, liquid, vapour or gas being deliberately released or leaks caused by the failure to maintain or repair your vehicle, or any part of it.
Sonic Bangs
Any legal responsibility, loss or damage (direct or indirect) caused by, contributed to or arising from pressure waves caused by aircraft or other flying objects.
Policy conditions
What we expect for your cover to be valid
Your responsibilities:
Your premium is based on the information you gave at the start of the insurance.
You are responsible for the information you or your appointed representative has provided to us.
You should ensure that the information provided is, as far as you know, correct and complete. If you have failed to give us complete and accurate information, this could lead to us changing the terms of your policy, refusing your claim or the insurance not being valid.
You must, if requested, provide us with all relevant information and documentation in relation to this insurance.
Care of your vehicle:
You or any person in charge of your vehicle must take reasonable precautions to protect your vehicle from damage or loss.
You must always take the keys out of the ignition and remove them completely when your vehicle is left unattended.
You should maintain your vehicle in an efficient and roadworthy condition; and you must have a valid Department for Transport Test Certificate (MOT) if one is needed by law.
You must give us reasonable access to examine your vehicle and if asked send us evidence of a valid MOT and/or evidence your vehicle was regularly maintained and kept in a good condition.
It is a condition precedent to the liability of the Company under the Policy that you must drive responsibly at all times and shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent liability, loss, damage or accidents.
You must tell us immediately about any changes to the information you have already provided.
Please contact ZEGO Insurance if you are not sure if information is relevant. If you don’t tell us about relevant changes, your insurance may not cover you fully, or at all. Here are some examples of the changes you should tell us about:
A change of vehicle (including extra vehicles and any temporary vehicles).
All changes you or anyone else make to your vehicle if these make your vehicle different from the manufacturer’s standard specification (whether the changes are mechanical or cosmetic).
A change of address.
A change of business activity.
A change in the purpose for which you use your vehicle.
Details of any driver you have not told us about before, or who is not specifically entitled to drive by the certificate of motor insurance or is excluded by an endorsement, but who you now want to drive.
Details of any motoring conviction resulting in a driving disqualification or penalty points being applied to the licence of any person allowed to drive.
Details of any non-motor conviction or prosecution pending (where a case is being investigated but there is no conviction yet) for any person allowed to drive.
If any driver suffers from a disability or medical condition that must be revealed to the DVLA, whether or not the driving licence has been restricted.
Incident notification
Any incident, claim, fire or theft must be reported to our claims line or via the ZEGO App within two hours, failure to do so may prejudice our position to defend a claim (whether the policy covers the incident, claim, fire or theft or not).
After any loss, damage or accident you must give us full details of the incident as soon as possible. You must send every communication about a claim (including any writ or summons) to us without delay and unanswered. You must also tell us if you know about any future prosecution, coroner’s inquest or fatal accident inquiry involving anyone covered by this insurance.
You must give us any information, documentation and help we need to help us deal with your claim. We will only ask for this if it is relevant to your claim. You are required to notify us of a claim within two hours of its occurrence. If you fail to do this, or otherwise prejudice our position, we reserve the right to seek recovery of any additional costs incurred due to your action or failure to act.
Claim requirements – rights and obligations
If a claim is made which you or anyone acting on your behalf knows is false, fraudulent, exaggerated, or provides false or stolen documents to support a claim we will not pay the claim and cover under this insurance will end. If there are a number of claims for property damage arising out of any one cause, we may pay you up to the maximum amount due under the Liability to others section. (We will take from this amount any amounts we have already paid as compensation.) When we pay this amount, we will withdraw from any further action connected with settling these claims. We will cover any legal costs and expenses paid with our permission, up to the time we withdraw from dealing with the claims.
You must not admit to, negotiate on or refuse any claim unless you have our permission. We can:
Takeover, carry out, defend or settle any claim; and
Take proceedings (which we will pay for, and for our own benefit) to recover any payment we have made under this insurance.
We will take this action in your name or in the name of anyone else covered by this insurance.
You, or the person whose name we use, must co-operate with us on any matter which affects this insurance. If we refuse to provide cover because you have failed to provide information or provided incorrect information, but we have a legal responsibility to pay a claim under the Road Traffic Acts, we can settle the claim or judgment without affecting our position under this policy. We can recover any payments that we make from you.
Compulsory Insurance laws
If, under the law of any country which this insurance covers you in, we must settle a claim which we would not otherwise have paid, we may recover this amount from you or from the person who made the claim.
If we accept your claim, but disagree with the claim amount, the matter will be passed to an independent arbitrator (to whom we must both agree). When this happens, the arbitrator must make a decision before you can start proceedings against us.
Where you may cancel your policy
There are no statutory cancellation rights under this policy, as all cover will have ended within a period of less than one calendar month from the date of commencement.
You may cancel this insurance at any time by declaring your requirement to cancel. There is no refund of premium under this short term insurance.
Our right to cancel your policy
We have the right to cancel your policy at any time by giving you seven days' notice in writing where there is a valid reason for doing so. We will send our cancellation letter to the latest address we have for you and will set out the reason for cancellation in our letter.
Valid reasons may include but are not limited to:
Where we have been unable to collect a premium payment (in this case we or our agent will contact you in writing requesting payment by a specific date. If we do not receive payment by this date we will write to you again notifying you that payment has not been received and giving you seven days' notice of a final date for payment). This letter will also notify you that if payment is not received by this date your Policy will be cancelled. If payment is not received by that date we will cancel your Policy with immediate effect and notify you in writing that such cancellation has taken place;
Where you are required in accordance with the terms of this Policy to co-operate with us, or send us information or documentation and you fail to do so in a way that materially affects our ability to process a claim, or our ability to defend our interests (in this case we may issue a cancellation letter and we will cancel your policy if you fail to co-operate with us or provide the required information or documentation by the end of the seven day cancellation notice period);
Where we do not receive evidence of your no claim discount or any other requested document within 21 days from the start date of the policy, we will issue a cancellation letter. We will cancel your policy if we do not receive evidence of your no claim discount by the end of the seven day cancellation notice period;
Where there is a material failure by you to take care of your vehicle as required by the paragraph headed 'Care of Your vehicle' in the Policy Conditions section;
Where we reasonably suspect fraud;
Where there is use of threatening or abusive behaviour or language, or intimidation or bullying of our staff or suppliers. If we do cancel your policy, we will refund the part of your premium you have not yet used less an administration fee to take into account our costs in providing your policy. If we cancel your Motor Insurance at any time, we will automatically cancel any cover provided by any additional services and benefits you may have chosen with your main policy cover. The premium you have paid for these additional services and benefits will also be refunded less a pro rata charge for the time you have been on cover.
Change in premium
The premium we charge for this Insurance can be changed if there is a change in material facts during the currency of the policy. In the event of a change of vehicle, driver, address or other material change, rates current at the time of the change will be applied.
Where we identify misrepresentation, non-disclosure or fraud, or any attempt to gain an advantage under this insurance to which you are not entitled, we may apply one or more of the remedies listed below:
Agree with you to amend your policy to record the correct information, apply any required change in premium, policy terms and conditions;
Apply any administration costs;
Reject or pay only a proportion of your claim;
Cancel the policy;
Void the policy (which means to treat the policy as though it never existed);
Not return to you any premium paid.
Data Protection and Privacy Notice
How we will use or share your information
For a full copy of our Privacy Notice, which outlines in detail how we and any other parties (including, but not limited to, Extracover Insurance Company Limited) may use any personal data, together with all of your rights and how to exercise these, just follow this link: www.zego.com/privacy
To find out how Wakam UK Limited will use your personal data as one of the authorised insurers, please go to this link which will detail their Privacy Notice. wakam.com/en/privacy-policy
The purposes include, but are not limited to:
analysing your particular insurance needs;
providing insurance estimate(s) or quotation(s) and/or arranging insurance cover;
checking against against anti-fraud databases;
populating national databases where required by law to do so;
handling and investigating claims and assisting in the claims authorisation process;
accounting and other management information purposes; and
for any purpose required by law, including regulatory and connected statutory bodies
both during the period your policy is in force and after it has lapsed.
Our lawful basis for processing is that:
You have given clear consent for the data recipients to process your personal data for the purposes.
The processing is necessary for you to enter into your insurance contract.
The processing is necessary for you to comply with the law.
The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data recipients in respect of the The data recipients may also need to process sensitive personal data about you where this is necessary (for example, physical or mental health conditions or criminal convictions in connection with both you and members of your family or household). Where sensitive personal information relates to anyone other than you, you must obtain the explicit consent of the person to whom the information relates, both to the disclosure of such information to the data recipients and to its use for the purposes.
In the event of processing outside the United Kingdom / the European Economic Area (EEA), you agree to the transfer of your personal information to a country or territory outside the United Kingdom / EEA (which may not provide the same protection for you). In the future, the Insurer and its group companies may (independently) sell their business(es) or assets. Personal information is usually considered an asset in such transactions and you agree that your information provided in connection with and for the purposes of your Policy may be sold, traded or licensed in such circumstances.
Information including personal information will be provided to the Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register and the Motor Insurance Anti – Fraud and Theft Register run by the Insurance Database Services Ltd (IDSL) and we may search the CUE register for information about you. The aim is to help us to check information provided and prevent fraudulent claims. This means we can continue to offer our honest clients excellent cover and service at a competitive price. Under the conditions of your Motor Policy, you must tell us about any incident (such as an accident or theft) which may or may not give rise to a claim. When you tell Us about an incident, we will pass information relevant information to the registers. Please note that if you give us false or inaccurate information it may invalidate your insurance policy or could affect the amount we pay to settle any claims you make under the policy.
Your insurance cover details will be added to the Motor Insurance Database, run by the Motor Insurers Information Centre (MIIC). This has been set up to help identify uninsured drivers, and may be searched by the Police to help confirm who is insured to drive. If there has been an accident, the Database may be used by Insurers, MIIC and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau to identify relevant policy information. You can ask us for more information about this.
By taking out your contract of insurance with us, you authorised us to pass the data that you have provided, including information about any incident(s) you give details of, to IDSL, MIIC, their agents and suppliers for the purposes set out in this Data Protection Notice, which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes making it available via IDSL and MIIC to other insurers and third parties.
All personal data will be retained for a period of six years following the end of your last insurance policy with us and thereafter will be destroyed unless we believe we have a lawful basis for maintaining it for longer.
Your Rights
You have the right to withdraw your consent to the data recipients processing your personal information. However, the data recipients may continue to process your personal information under one of the other lawful bases listed above. You have the right to object to the continuing processing and we must inform you of the reasons.
You have the right to request your personal data is erased and to prevent processing. This is not an absolute right and we may continue to process your data if we have a lawful basis to do so.
In certain circumstances you have the right to request we restrict the processing of personal data supplied by you to us.
You have the right to apply for a copy of your information, free of charge (unless we believe your request to be manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive).
You have the right to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
You have the right to data portability in respect of personal data provided to us and processed by automated means. This means that you can request the data in a commonly used and machine readable form and even that we transfer it at your request to another organization if this is feasible. This service is free of charge.
In making your proposal for insurance you provide your explicit consent to the use by the data recipients of automated decision making (making a decision solely by automated means without any human involvement), as necessary for the entry into and/or performance of your insurance Policy.
You have the right to request human intervention or challenge such decisions.
The Data Controller
In respect of the personal information provided by you, Extracover Limited t/a Zego is the data controller and the other data recipients are data processors. In certain circumstances we may be acting also as a data processor. They are registered on the Data Protection Register under number ZA188595 and your information will be treated in compliance with all relevant Data Protection legislation. Please see the Information Commissioner’s website at www.ico.org.uk for more information on the Data Protection legislation and the Information Commissioner.
You may contact:
7th Floor Exchange House
12 Primrose Street
Insurance underwriting
We look at the possible risk in relation to your prospective policy (or anyone else involved in the policy) so that we can:
Consider whether to accept a risk;
Make decisions about providing and dealing with insurance and other related services for you and members of your household;
Set price levels for your policy;
Confirm your identity to prevent money laundering; and
Check the claims history for you or any person or property likely to be involved in the policy or a claim at any time. We may do this:
When you apply for insurance;
If there is an accident or a claim; or
At the time you renew the policy.
Keeping to legal responsibilities - managing claims
If you make a claim, we may need to release information to another person or organisation involved in that claim. This includes, but is not restricted to, others involved in the incident, their insurer, their solicitor or representative and medical teams, the police or other investigators. We also may have to investigate your claim and conviction history.
Under the conditions of your policy, you must tell us about any incident (such as an accident or theft) which may or may not result in a claim. When you tell us about an incident, we will pass information relating to it to Insurance Database Services Limited (IDSL).
Preventing or detecting fraud
We will check your information against a range of registers and databases for completeness and accuracy. We may also share your information with law enforcement agencies, other organisations and public bodies. If we find that false or inaccurate information has been given to us, or we suspect fraud, we will take appropriate action. If fraud is identified, details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies including the Claims Underwriting Exchange Register and the Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register run by Insurance Database Services Limited (IDSL). Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information.
We and other organisations, including those from other countries, may also access and use this information to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example, when:
Checking details on applications for credit and credit related or other facilities;
Managing credit and credit related accounts or facilities
Recovering debt;
Checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance;
Checking details of job applicants and employees.
Details of the registers, databases and fraud prevention agencies we use may be requested from the Company Secretary at:
Extracover Insurance Company Limited
Madison Building, Midtown, Queensway, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA.
Cheat line
If you suspect insurance fraud is being committed, you can call the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) on their confidential cheat line on 0800 422 0421.
Financial sanctions measures
We will not be liable to provide cover under this policy where prevented from doing so by any financial sanctions measures including any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom, or United States of America and which prohibits us, the Underwriter, the Underwriters Parent Company (or the Underwriter’s Parent Company’s ultimate controlling entity) from providing cover under this policy.
Financial sanctions measures changes from time to time and can prohibit the transfer of funds to a sanctioned country, freeze the assets of a government, the corporate entities and residents of a sanctioned country, or freeze the assets of specific individuals or corporate entities. This means that if you, or any third party who has suffered a loss which would otherwise be covered under the policy are the subject of a financial sanctions measure cover will not be provided under the policy.